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Monday, May 10, 2010

Words from Dr. E, The First Leg of this Trek

A year ago, after visiting Cambodia on Bike, I returned to Jacksonville, and talked about my trek with my partner, Dr. Tek, a native of Cambodia. He had come to the US for training just prior to Pol Pot's control of Cambodia, and because of what happened, ended up staying here, and built a very successful career. Anyway, back to our conversation, I told him of my love of Cambodia, its people, its history, and he gave me a challenge. Could I help deliver for a needed hospital in its capital, advanced endoscopic equipment. Hence the challenge started. What follows is the story, pictures, and more on Cambodia.

1 comment:

  1. hi! i am a gastroenterologist from canada & going to be @ sihanouk next month to work with the surgeons & internists. i was reading through your blog. can you contact me via email? would love to hear your thoughts, etc. i am travelling through health volunteers overseas. thanks
